Group Readings
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A group reading is a fun way to connect with the spiritual worlD. (minimum 4 people / price per person.)
A lot of people have group readings for special events. Ie: Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Hens Doos, Christmas Parties, Coffee Groups. Family Groups, Mothers Groups, and Special Celebrations.
Group Readings bring an array of information to individuals that attend these events, the information shared from the spirit world, amongst everyone, is enlightening, as well as powerful for each individual.
Spirits will choose randomly who they read for at these events and will connect with that person. Special messages which bring many people Love, Laughter and Peace, make these Group Readings very special.
Connecting with your loved ones and wanting special answers and guidance in your lives, makes these group readings a fun and popular event for all.
There were Six of us in the Group and each person got told something about their future.
“I couldn’t wait for a group reading. Carin let us bring photos of our passed loved ones which was great, there were several of us and each person got told something about their future, and connections were made from each loved one, it was special. I had both Mum & Dad (in-laws) make a connection.
Mum passed over before Dad, and it was really good to know that they are together, and that she was waiting for him. Carin told me a few things that nobody in the group knew, one of them being, where dad had asked “where is dunno fish” my son has left home under a cloud, and his grandfather had nick named him dunno fish, which meant “I don’t want any fish”. No one knew that, as well as being told about land that we are going build on, and few hiccups that will happen.
Carin brought tears to my eyes when my Dad said that his mind is not mixed up now, he is fine, he had suffered from a mental illness. I was also told that they are both around me, and my family, which makes me feel really happy. I really do recommend Carin to anyone who needs to know things that will ease their mind.
Thanks Carin my heart is not as heavy as it was.” - Anna, Auckland, NZ.